ZO Magazine's O.D.D. ROOM EXPO starts in the Spring of 2025. 

We are a community of artists with a growing vision. We have EXPOs each year that receive submissions of poetry, art, literature, music, photography, and other creative input.

The O.D.D. ROOM EXPO is linked to a Sci-Fi Film that ZO is developing. We are seeking unique Creative Submissions that relate in Game-Like interaction to 13 Micro Discussion Videos. The Expo is on 3 Levels.

Each Category has a "Free First Entry." We award winners with publication and an honorarium for specified top choices. Anyone over the age of 13 may enter this Expos. Our mission is to build respect between people, cultures, and creative disciplines while working to promote peace through the arts.

Full Parameters for our Creative Expos can be found at this link.

Draw, Paint, or Artistically Create Your Depiction of An "Intelligent Tree"

Your ART can be in any genre. IDENTIFY if your art is Human Generated -or- "AI" Generated on the Submission Form.

Create an original artwork depicting a dramatically unique tree (that could be intelligent). Please feel free to submit work you already have that fits the category.

For More info check out the O.D.D. Room LEVEL 1 - Intelligent Trees Expo Page at this link.

This Expo is themed around ZO's developing film, The O.D.D. Room. (O.D.D. stands for Other Dimensional Discussion and nothing about this production is ordinary.) We are launching this film concept starting with "Creative Game-like Input" and intend to connect with an interactive audience throughout production. There are 3 Levels for submission to win prizes for your creativity. 

The O.D.D. Room Expo will debut "13 Micro Discussion Videos" that touch on the film's theme and the high concept of "What is Time?"

Once we receive the first 50 submissions, we will start awarding one (1) winner per month through December. Each winner will be published and receive a $50 Honorarium. We will choose 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners from the top 13 submissions through December 22, 2025. First Place winners are also eligible for a one-year ZO Gold Level City Curator Page (Award Value $240). 

*Any work published will be listed with a credit to the author of the work.

Go for a Walk and take a photo of an "Intelligent Tree" — It's as simple as that!

We are looking for a dramatically unique tree (that could be intelligent). They're everywhere, so we're utilizing the connections ZO has in 170 countries and reaching out to find some of the most dramatic or interesting.

The tree you find may have a certain wisdom in it's trunk or be tilting in a certain way that almost seems like its talking. You find it. Then photograph it and send it to us to win cash prizes and Dream Art Swag.


For More info check out the O.D.D. Room LEVEL 1 - Intelligent Trees Expo Page at this link.

This Expo is themed around ZO's developing film, The O.D.D. Room. (O.D.D. stands for Other Dimensional Discussion and nothing about this production is ordinary.) We are launching this concept with "Creative Game-like Input." There are 3 Levels for submission to win prizes for your creativity. 

The O.D.D. Room Expo will debut "13 Micro Discussion Videos" that touch on the film's theme and the high concept of "What is Time?"

Once we receive the first 25 submissions, we will start awarding one (1) winner per month through December. Each winner will be published and receive a $50 Honorarium. We will choose 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners from the top 13 submissions through December 22, 2025. First Place winners are also eligible for a one-year ZO Gold Level City Curator Page (Award Value $240). 

*Any work published will be listed with a credit to the author of the work.

Take a Photo at the Same Time as the Clock in each of our Micro Episodes.

We are looking for interesting photos and surroundings. You will have to produce the shot yourself. Perhaps you will find that perfect shot! Our judges will make decisions on winners for this category based on your shot's uniqueness and creativity. 

Your 1st entry is Free. You can only enter 1 Free Shot.

There is a Clock embedded into each of the 13 O.D.D. Room Micro Episodes at this link O.D.D. Room LEVEL 3 - YOU ARE TIME.


Find the CLOCKs

1. Place a CLOCK with the same time as showing in the Micro Episode in a Photo.

  • Your photo can be in any medium you like. It can have any surrounding you like (it can even be a selfie). It can also be a painting or other illustration - but it must have a CLOCK with the same time as in the Episode showing. Examples from our ZO Team are below. We have omitted the Episode because your time and the number of the Episode must match. So you will have to investigate. 

2. Submit your photo

  • Include the Trailer Episode where the TIME you are depicting is found
  • List the City and Country where YOU took the photo (not the city in the Episode)

3. You may submit 1 Free Photo

  • There are 13 Micro Episodes (you can only enter 1 photo for free)

4. Additional photos are $5 per submission

  • You can take a photo using the time from any or all of the Micro Episodes. You may enter as many times and as often as you like, but all entries after your 1st entry are $5 each. If you enter without paying for additional entries, all of your submissions will be disqualified.


Enter as many shots as you like. Obviously, it may increase your chances to enter more than once. So, if you only enter 1 shot, take a few with different times and possibly different outfits, then send us your best shot.

We will be looking for and judging based on entries that complement our SciFi storyline. We may even show some of the shots at our Time Traveler's Ball (in September) if they seem to fit.

For More info check out the O.D.D. Room LEVEL 3 - YOU ARE TIME Expo Page at this link.

This Expo is themed around ZO's developing film, The O.D.D. Room. (O.D.D. stands for Other Dimensional Discussion and nothing about this production is ordinary.) We are launching this concept with "Creative Game-like Input." There are 3 Levels for submission to win prizes for your creativity. 

The O.D.D. Room Expo will debut "13 Micro Discussion Videos" that touch on the film's theme and the high concept of "What is Time?"

Once we receive the first 25 submissions, we will start awarding one (1) winner per month through December. Each winner will be published and receive a $50 Honorarium. We will choose 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners from the top 13 submissions through December 22, 2025. First Place winners are also eligible for a one-year ZO Gold Level City Curator Page (Award Value $240). 

*Any work published will be listed with a credit to the author of the work.

Artitude | ZO International